Food Gifts
worth of milk powder & diapers given out under assist pro

Satellite Distribution @ Nanyang
& Jurong Central Zone A RC
In collaboration with Nanyang CC and Jurong Central Zone A RC, Loving Heart (Jurong) set up satellite distribution centres to reach out to a wider pool of beneficiaries in need.

Project R.I.C.E.+
An annual community service project by Singapore Red Cross, youth volunteers distributed more than 100 packs of food and household necessities to less privileged families under our Food Gift Programme on 19 December 2020.

Festive Gift by SWCDC
To bring cheer and brighten the festive period during Chinese New Year, YMCA-Kindness Mart Pte Ltd sponsored 45 families under our care with new electrical appliances such as oven, multi-purpose pan, rice cooker, fan and water kettle.
Donation by Project Kind Heart Asia
On 26 October 2020, we received bulk donations of various food and household items from Project Kind Heart Asia. These items were redistributed to beneficiaries under our Food Gift+ Programme. Apparels including shirts, polo tees and pants were redistributed to conservancy workers serving in Jurong, Yuhua and Bukit Batok.

Fruit Voucher Scheme with Jurong Spring FoodCare
A collaboration between Jurong Spring Citizens’ Consultative Committee and Loving Heart Multi-Service Centre (Jurong) since February 2020, we worked with Jurong Spring FoodCare to provide fresh fruits to more than 140 recipients under their care. On a bimonthly basis, recipients receive vouchers worth $6 each and are able to redeem fruits through an appointed vendor. Through this, we also hope to increase nutritional values of food assistance with fresh food.